Jun 9Liked by Eugene S. Robinson

Maybe doing this life thing right involves a long journey of finding the way back to ourselves. Sure, there's much to be understood that helps us navigate the world in whatever state it could be in, and the world just happens to be in a state that (I think) alienates us from a very early age. Understood in terms simple enough to be captured in language, allowing us to be educated and vaguely assessed. These things only potentiate life though. They are not life itself. Personally, my experience of life is all the better for feeling more, and not less. Somehow it seems to lead me to engage with what I value, and values aren't something I see being honestly discussed in broadly public settings. I'm fairly sure it's not in the interests of those who have the most control over public settings to do so. And so it goes.

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Jun 9Liked by Eugene S. Robinson

I feel you on this one. Have you seen Interstellar? Not even that great of a movie. It's okay. It's cool. But, there are interactions between the father and daughter in that movie that made my fucking eyes start machine-gunning out fluids so freakishly, I had to turn the movie off the first time I watched it.

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Same. Jesus. AND I watched it WITH my kids

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