Thank you for writing this. Unlike most content in digital media that never gets clicked, or is abandoned at a partial view or read, I read all ~2750 words. A profound personal story summarizing nearly a decade of life in impactful and engaging writing. Well done.

May you never again find yourself working for a sociopathic narcissist "business leader" who specializes in artificial performative charisma, concealed psychological abuse of subordinates, manipulation and coercive control.

Hopefully you and some other well-deserving, hard-working, long-suffering Ozy graduates will be able to realize some good income and recognition for your experiences inside Carlos Watson's Land of Oz(y).

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Fuck that guy.

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I could not wait to read this article. You have a way. I think Carlos Watson and Jon Jones have a lot in common. I can't wait to watch the movie. I would rather you play yourself and the story is told from your perspective. If I could act I would play Carlos. Our scenes would be fun, as long as you didn't hit me after they said cut. How about Bill Cosby as another African American boss in your past?

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yeah...have written about Cosby too much already though.

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Your old mate Andre Braugher would/could/should play Carlos Watson in the movie

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Wow, what a shit show. I'm glad you got that off your chest, I really felt like I was right there with you as I read it.

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It feels like he was jealous that you had other successful things going on in your life because he knew that his only thing was a sham. Also, narcissists just want to see if they can destroy your life just because. You would think it would be good for Ozy to have someone with a following, who could then bring that following's eyes to their content. I had literally never heard of Ozy in my life until this week.

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Eugene Robinson is an extremely able and talented writer and a rock-solid honest man. I have no doubt he will rebound successfully. As for that self-absorbed grifter Carlos Watson, if he had an ounce of shame and self-respect, he would simply disappear.

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Write the script, produce the show, get the points. FTM

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And I thought this storyline couldn’t get any crazier. Wow.

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Damn man. I had no idea any of that was going on. I'm really sorry you had to endure all that shit. I've always been kind of amazed by the amount of writing you've put up, but, now that I know the circumstances, I kind of in awe at both the volume and, more importantly, quality of all your work. Sorry for all the dependent clauses.

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hahah...no worries! Cheers!

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This alone was worth the annual subscription price. Well done, sir.

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Eugene, #CarlosWatson does not look AT ALL like you. You are gorgeous.

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For the people who know you from the combat sports world, it's just unfathomable he would think it's a good idea to talk to you like a recalcitrant child. Misty MF!!! We who acquired wisdom on the fringes of society don't get to put that on the resume but at least hope it becomes obvious in person...alas.

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I hope you get the Carlos acting gig. Also, I feel for those who had a weaker constitution than yours, those he was able to bully and belittle.

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Ha! Some reprobate at The Federalist decided to substantially quote and paraphrase from your article in his latest 'column' titled "Social Justice Is A Scam And Ozy Media’s Carlos Watson Is Its Latest Swindler". This hack is named Eddie Scarry and he thinks your article and the Ozy fiasco are ample evidence that any and all "social justice" is a scam. This postulate definitely aligns well with the beliefs of their target audience. Scarry obviously put in like a whole hours' work into this latest effort at writing.

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They're so incredibly lazy over there. It puts one to sleep. Zzzzzzzzzz

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Good lord! You're a fucking saint!

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Riveting, as always, Eugene!

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