Umm...appealing to tradition is always such a winner. The last question and answer really seal the deal on this.

I always like these. There's a nuanced combination of subtlety and bludgeoning that really appeals.

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Very telling that *he* accuses *you* of the confirmation bias.....to look objectively at his own bias would be too painful for him, so I bet he avoids it

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The willful ignorance here is appalling. "...no wars during his presidency." Srsly?!?! No one was fighting in Afghanistan? Yemen? Syria??? DJT didn't sell out the Kurds and let Turkey slaughter them? That was a figment of my imagination?? O.o Wowzers.

During DJT's presidency, there were more than 29 missile launches by North Korea. More than 10 of them landed in the Sea of Japan, near Japanese territory, or went over Japanese territory. What kind of crack was this guy smoking anyway? I may be old & forgetful, but I'm not THAT far gone. o.O

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That's one seriously dumb motherfucker.

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Tell homey to read just ONE of the current indictments, all the way through, and point out the factual errors therein.


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P.S. Your book arrived today!

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